Ansar Yahya
Certificate Distribution Ceremony of Computer Course was held on 4 September 2014 at Pasban Welfare and Technical Education Centre, Younis Town, Faisalabad. Ansar Yahaya, Managing Director Rafhan Maiz Products, Advocate Mian Shafiq Ahmed and Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre distributed certificates to successful students.
Ansar Yahya
Certificate Distribution Ceremony of Computer Course was held on 4 September 2014 at Pasban Welfare and Technical Education Centre, Younis Town, Faisalabad. Ansar Yahaya, Managing Director Rafhan Maiz Products, Advocate Mian Shafiq Ahmed and Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre distributed certificates to successful students. Haji Zaheer ud Din, Shahzad Hafeez and Ali Raza are also present at the occassion.
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Certificate Distribution
DCO Faisalabad
Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre is presenting flowers to DCO Faisalabad Noor ul Amin Mengal at the occassion of Certificate Distribution Cermonoy.Haji Zaheer ud Din is also present at the occasion.
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Certificate Distribution
DCO Faisalabad
DCO Faisalabad Noor ul Amin Mengal and Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre are awarding certificates to the students at Certificate Distribution Cermonoy held at Pasban Technical Training Centre, Younis Town, Near Fish Farm, Faisalabad..
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Certificate Distribution
Hamza Shahbaz
Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre is presenting Shiled to MNA Hamza Shahbaz at the occassion of Certificate Distribution Cermonoy.Haji Zaheer ud Din is also present at the occasion.
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Certificate Distribution
A group photo of students with MNA Hamza Shahbaz, Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre, Teachers and Management Staff at the occassion of certification distribution ceremony on 10 March 2014.
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Certificate Distribution
Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre is presenting flowers to MPA Sheikh Ejaz Ahmad at certification distribution ceremony at Pasban Technical Training Centre, Faisalabad. Haji Zaheer ud Din and computer trainer, Shahzad Hafeez were also present.
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Certificate Distribution
A group photo of the successful students with Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre, MPA Sheikh Ejaz Ahmad,Haji Zaheer ud Din and computer trainer, Shahzad Hafeez.
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Certificate Distribution
MPA Sheikh Ejaz Ahmad & Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre are awarding certificate to a student at certification distribution ceremony in Pasban Technical Training Centre, Faisalabad. Haji Zaheer ud Din is also present.
Milad 2014
Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban Welfare Centre is awarding prize to Qari Tayyeb while Haji Zaheer ud Din is also seen in the picture. The Millad was conducted at Pasban Technical Training Centre, Faisalabad.
Quaid-e-Azam Day1
Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban I.T Group, Haji Zaheer ud Din and the audience is standing during national anthem on 23 December 2013 in connection of celebration of Quaid-e-Azam Day at Pasban Technical Training Centre.
Quaid-e-Azam Day2
Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban I.T Group is awarding prizes to the students on 23 December 2013 in connection of celebration of Quaid-e-Azam Day at Pasban Technical Training Centre while Haji Zaheer ud Din is also present on the occassion.
DCO visit1
Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban I.T Group is briefing DCO, Noor ul Amin Mengal about different technical courses conducted in Pasban Welfare Centre.
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DCO visit1
Major Shahnawaz ul Hassan, Chairman Pasban I.T Group is breifing DCO, Noor ul Amin Mengal about his services in Pasban Welfare Centre.
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History of Pasban Welfare